Prepare Yourself for AI Scams: How to Protect Yourself Online.
Discover how you can protect yourself and accounts against AI scams. Learn about the latest threats and get practical advice to secure your money and your personal information

We like to help users online to protect your transactions being both easy and secure. Therefore, we find it important to keep you updated on the latest threats in cybersecurity. One of the newest and most sophisticated threats we have observed is AI scams.
AI scams, or artificial intelligence scams, are malicious activities performed using advanced AI technologies. Hackers use AI to create fake identities, forge voices, and even simulate behavior to appear more convincing. These scammers' ability to deceive victims has been amplified through the use of artificial intelligence, making it harder for people to distinguish between a legitimate transaction and a scam.
As part of our commitment to protecting your security, here are some precautions you can take to prepare for and protect against AI scams:
Critical thinking: Scammers often use urgent language to get you to act quickly without thinking. If you receive an email or message asking you to take immediate action, stop and think. Take the time to investigate the matter and see if it truly comes from a credible source.
Protect your personal information: Never share your bank details, passwords, or other sensitive information over the phone, email, or social media. Zento will never ask for your passwords or PIN codes.
Be attentive to details: AI can mimic human behavior, but it is not perfect. Look for small errors in grammar, phrasing, or wording that may reveal a scam.
Regularly update your software: Updates often contain security enhancements that can help protect your device against new threats. Make sure to keep all of your devices and applications updated.
Report suspicious activity: If you notice anything suspicious, report it to us immediately. Your reporting can help us prevent future scams.
Remember, you are the first and best line of defense against AI scams. By being vigilant, informed, and proactive, you can help keep your information secure.
We are committed to ensuring your transactions and protecting your financial security. We keep a watchful eye on new threats and continually develop our security system.